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- Introduction to Internet of Things – Applications/Devices, Protocols and Communication Model
- Things and Connections
- Working of Controlled Systems
- Real-time systems with feedback loop e.g. thermostat in refrigerator, AC, etc.
- Connectivity models – TCP/IP versus OSI model,
- Different type of modes using wired and wireless methodology,
- The process flow of an IoT application.
- Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers
- Sensor – Measuring physical quantities in digital world e.g. light sensor, moisture sensor, temperature sensor, etc.
- Actuator – moving or controlling system e.g. DC motor, different type of actuators
- Controller – Role of microcontroller as gateway to interfacing sensors and actuators, microcontroller vs microprocessor, different type of microcontrollers in embedded ecosystem.
- Building IoT applications
- Introduction to Arduino IDE – writing code in sketch, compiling-debugging, uploading the file to Arduino board, role of serial monitor.
- Embedded ‘C’ Language basics – Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types, Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, assignment.
- Conditional Statements and Loops – Decision making using Relational Operators, Logical Connectives – conditions, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop, Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement.
- Arrays – Declaring and manipulating single dimension arrays
- Functions – Standard Library of C functions in Arduino IDE, Prototype of a function: Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call.
- Interfacing sensors – The working of digital versus analog pins in Arduino platform, interfacing LED, Button, Sensors-DHT, LDR, MQ135, IR. Display the data on Liquid Crystal Display(LCD), interfacing keypad
- Serial communication – interfacing HC-05(Bluetooth module) Control/handle 220V AC supply – interfacing relay module.
- Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem
- Need of security in IoT – Why Security? Privacy for IoT enabled devices- IoT security for consumer devices- Security levels, protecting IoT devices
- Future IoT eco system – Need of power full core for building secure algorithms,
- Examples for new trends – AI, ML penetration to IoT
- Soft skills-Personality Development
- Personality Development – Determinants of Personality- self-awareness, motivation, self-discipline, etc., building a positive personality, gestures.
- Self-esteem – self-efficacy, self-motivation, time management, stress management, Etiquettes & manners.
- Communication and writing skills- objective, attributes and categories of communication, Writing Skills – Resume, Letters, Report, Presentation, etc. Interview skills and body language.
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